by Sachin Muthu, 29 April, 2016
Those who get offered an interview for any of their chosen medical schools should be prepared for a very intense time. Of course universities will...
by Kynan Ngai, 29 April, 2016
You may have heard this tip floating around, or you may not have, but often people recommend that the day before the UCAT Exam, you ...
by Gowsikan Nageswaran, 29 April, 2016
Although the UCAT is an aptitude test, you can always prepare...
by Kynan Ngai, 29 April, 2016
With the HSC® Exam looming and the UMAT® Exam ahead, Year 12 students will find that time becomes a precious resource in the coming year. ...
by Coralie Millet, 29 April, 2016
Say you are new to the UCAT and start perusing UMAT material to find out what it is all about. Chances...
by Sachin Muthu, 29 April, 2016
Throughout our blog entries we have covered what a preparation course can do for you and your UCAT preparation. But the on...