
Improving UMAT UCAT score

Can I really improve my UMAT score?

by , 29 April, 2016
Read 3772 times

The quick answer? Yes, you can definitely improve your UCAT Exam score and it can happen between your last exam and the next exam. The golden question, however, is HOW do I improve my UMAT® Exam score? My time with the UMAT® Exam was a long journey, but I improved drastically between scores and this is how I did it:

Look back at the whole exam paper you have done (whether it be the actual ACER UMAT® Exam exam or the practice ones you do at home)\
Which sorts of questions are you getting wrong and finding hard to answer? Is it the pick the middle type of question in Section 3, or are you struggling with identifying the emotions a character is feeling in Section 2? Pinpoint your areas of weakness and focus your study on those questions. It’s all about quality over quantity in order to help improve your weaknesses so they don’t drag your future UMAT® Exam score down. A great way to find practice questions that are divided into skill sets is through online UMAT® Exam preparation courses that have already taken the time to do so.

Read the solutions thoroughly for all the questions you have done, even if you had gotten it correctly
Back when I was studying for the UMAT® Exam, I spent a whole day dedicated to reading the solutions for one exam paper. I found that this was the most effective way to improve my score, as I asked myself for each wrong question WHY I got it wrong and HOW I could avoid getting it wrong in the future. When I found out how my mistakes came about, in future questions of the same type I was able to question each of the options given to me and narrow it down to the correct answer. It is also important to read the solutions for the questions that you get right in the exam, just to reinforce that your approach to a question is correct and fool proof for the future. Remember, although the UMAT® Exam is an aptitude exam, the questions they ask are often quite similar, only with different scenarios. That being said, it is important you find UMAT® Exam preparation courses that provide detailed solutions, rather than just giving a correct answer.

Have a positive attitude towards the UMAT® Exam
No one really likes their weekend taken up by the UMAT® Exam when they’re already struggling to survive the HSC® Exam. However, if you dread your time practicing for the UMAT® Exam, your mentality will impede on how seriously and how effectively you take the test. How you can improve your positivity? That’s more of a personal approach, but what I found helpful was to ask myself why I was doing the UMAT® Exam and what I wanted to achieve from it. It is important to remind yourself about your goals in order to not lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel.