Please answer all questions in this section within in the application form. Number your responses appropriately.
1. Do you have any teaching experience? If yes, please elaborate. Include length of experience and if it is in a group (include size of the group)/individual setting.
2. How would you manage a high maintenance student (someone who would like to demand a disproportion large amount of attention from you) during a class setting?
3. If a student does not understand you explanation, what may be some of the causes and what would you do to address the causes?
4. The courses are mostly run between December to February. If you are likely to be away during the time, please state the time period that you are likely to be away.
5. Are you able to teach in person at any of the following cities - Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide or Perth? Or are you based outside of those cities and will only be available to teach online (which is ok for some positions)?
6. Please input your GAMSAT Score in the "Other test score" field in the following format, for your Overall (Total), Section I, Section II and Section III scores - e.g T: 72; S1: 68; S2: 72; S3: 74
If you do not have a GAMSAT score, please state NA
a) Attach your Cover Letter
Address it to Human Resources and explain why you would be suitable for this role.
Please specify in your cover letter which subjects (Humanities, Biology, Chemistry or Physics) you are comfortable teaching. In cases where you are comfortable teaching multiple subjects, please state your order of preference. First equal, second equal etc are accepted.
b) Attach your Current CV
c) Attach your GAMSAT results statement
d) If you wish to be considered for multiple subjects, re submit your application for the appropriate subject. There is no need to alter your application when submitting it for other subjects. You may also skip the above questions when resubmitting your application - simply state what subject application contains your initial application.
e) Save your documents in .pdf and name your attachments in the following format. Note to include the title number of this application form in your attachments.
E.g. 4.1 James Jones - Cover Letter