
Final Week to Register for Free GAMSAT® Biological & Physical Sciences Online Workshop! | Thurs 1st Aug at 7pm Melb Time

GAMSAT Prep & Medicine Blogs

GAMSAT study techniques
Life Hacks

Active Vs Passive Learning: Maximising Your Study Time

We only have 24 hours in each day, which are easily filled by eating, sleeping, attending uni, attending work, and the myriad of other activities that we have throughout our day. Our study time is therefore limited, so i...

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Mature age medical students
Life Hacks

Medicine for Mature Age Students

Historically, entrance to medical school in Australia has been dominated by young school-leavers, ...

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GAMSAT Exam Overview
Life Hacks

GAMSAT Exam Overview

The GAMSAT Exam, also known as the Graduate Medical School Admissions Test, serves as a crucial assessment too...

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Balancing work and medical school
Life Hacks

Working While Studying Medicine

The mythology surrounding Australian graduate medical school usually includes the implicit ...

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Pre-med volunteering
Life Hacks

Pre-Med Volunteering

Many prospective medical students volunteer in the medical field to gain exposure to medical settings and to give back to their communities. Furthermore, volunteering is a great way to gain experiences that you can write...

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Revising for the GAMSAT Exam
Life Hacks

How to Revise for the GAMSAT

This article contains useful GAMSAT® revision tips and tricks for those of you who are tackling the GAM...

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