Final week to enrol for GradReady’s GAMSAT® Online Mock Exam & Review Session! Sign ups close Tuesday 18th February at 7pm Melbourne time - Signup Today!
You will get access to 2 Mock Exams on a platform that mimic the actual ACER GAMSAT® Exam. Each Mock Exam is split into 2 days - 1 day for Written Communication and 1 day for Reasoning in Biological and Physical Sciences Section - to simulate the actual GAMSAT®. The first Mock Exam will be running on the 19th of February and 8th of March. The second Mock Exam will be running on the 21st of February and 9th of March. There will also be a full-day Review Session on Saturday March 15th.
Take advantage of our updated Mock Exam, with new MCQs and detailed video solutions, as well as percentile ranking with a breakdown for each individual section. Sign up today!
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