GAMSAT ®InterviewReady
Important Dates
GAMSAT ®Resources
Elisa G.,
22 August, 2024
Read 2356 times
When I sat the GAMSAT®, my biggest concern was GAMSAT® timing. Not just staying alert and focused for the whole exam, but also figuring out how I was going to handle GAMSAT® time management to get the most GAMSAT questions covered and the GAMSAT essays comfortably written and proofread.
It may sound cliché, but sitting the GAMSAT® exam really is like running a marathon: it’s not something you can do (successfully) without any training or preparation; it goes for a really long time during which you need to stay steady and focused; and let’s face it, a lot of fuel (aka food and caffeine) is required to make it to the finish line (without falling asleep… although I guess hopefully that wouldn’t happen if you were actually running a marathon).
Anyway, one thing I learnt when preparing for and sitting the GAMSAT® is that a lot of your success comes down to how well you handle GAMSAT® time management. So, here’s a few tips on how to do it well.
Basically, the GAMSAT® exam is in three Sections, and all three sections were previously squeezed into one big day. In 2024, ACER changed up the format of the GAMSAT®. The essay writing section is now its own separate day, while the Reasoning in Humanities and Social Sciences and the Reasoning in Biological and Physical Sciences are combined into another day.
The Written Communication section is conducted via remote proctoring, so at least you won’t have to deal with the stress of transport, getting to the test location early, and taking the test in an unfamiliar environment. GAMSAT® Humanities and Biological Sciences, on the other hand, is a much bigger day. The exam itself will take up a total of 4 hours and 10 minutes, but ACER has said that you should allocate no less than 5.5 hours to the exam.
This article won’t go into too much detail about how to finish writing 2 essays comfortably within 65 minutes because we already have a GAMSAT Section 2 guide that covers that topic in depth.
My biggest struggle when studying for the GAMSAT® was literally just finding a way to stay awake for long enough to get through the whole exam. This is especially true for the second day, during which you have to stay fully concentrated for 4 hours and 10 minutes. Whilst I don’t recommend sitting down on your first day and trying to make it through a whole exam in one day, I do recommend doing this at some point before you sit that actual GAMSAT®.
Starting off by getting familiar with GAMSAT® timing and content by doing lots of GAMSAT practice questions is essential, but it would probably be way too overwhelming (and not worth your time) to do a whole exam straight away. In the beginning, focus on doing partial practice exams. This way you become familiar with the style of the questions and can also identify different areas of study you may need to focus on throughout the weeks or months before exam day.
Then comes the time to sit a full exam. I found this was really important because the first time I tried, I was so tired about three quarters of the way through that I had to stop. And it meant that the next time I did a practice exam, I tried a few strategies to actually keep myself engaged and awake.
Which brings me to my next point…
Everyone is different, but for me, there’s nothing more disastrous that could happen during an exam than realising I’m tired and/or didn’t eat enough (let’s face it, they usually both come hand in hand). Others find that their nervous stomach can’t handle much food at all and so don’t like to eat much on exam day. Whether you’re closer to my (always hungry) end of the spectrum or way down the other end, I can tell you that having a few snacks prepared just in case is definitely a good idea!
It may sound a bit like a lecture in nutrition but it’s also a good idea to make sure you pack the right kind of snacks. I think I took about four protein bars (that weren’t full of sugar syrup) to my GAMSAT® exam, and yes, ate all of them. But making sure you eat higher protein, lower sugar snacks is going to sustain your energy a lot longer and hopefully avoid any sort of sugar crash emergency mid-way through the exam.
Speaking of crashing, it’s important you drink an okay amount of caffeine that your body is used to and won’t send you on some sort of rollercoaster ride through hyperactive and somnolent states. For some people, maybe that means drinking no caffeinated beverages at all, or for others, it could mean drinking about 10 shots of coffee across the day.
Basically, you need to have practice timing your food and caffeine hits well enough to sustain an almost five hour exam (all considering how the actual exam and breaks are timed). I’d recommend combining this fuelling rehearsal with the above-mentioned full practice exams; then you’ll have a comprehensive strategy prepared for the real thing…
Now this part can be really tricky and requires a lot of self-discipline and trust in your preparation for the GAMSAT® exam (and knowledge of your own capabilities).
I remember distinctly the moment in Section III of my GAMSAT exam that I arrived to a question with a hefty block of information about a topic I knew that I found particularly mind-boggling. I still had quite a few questions left and knew that if I really knuckled down and figured out this scary question that it would eat into time I could spend on the other remaining ones. So, I made an informed decision to skip over it - I'd recommend either marking it as a reminder to return to it later, or just selecting a random answer (narrowing down the options if possible). I didn’t make it back to review it in the end and so I selected a random answer, but I was glad that I didn’t waste my time on it, because then I probably wouldn’t have been able to answer as many questions as I did.
So, what I’m trying to say is, remember your strategy for how you time and approach GAMSAT® questions, and practice sticking to it even in the face of challenging questions.
All in all, practice (and lots of it), is the best way to ensure that on the real GAMSAT® exam day, you can run all those kilometres and make it to the finish line without collapsing dramatically beforehand. It may all sound frightening now, but honestly, if you’re prepared and remember to keep a spare eye on the clock every now and then, you’ll be fine. And in case you’ve forgotten, here are my main tips for successful GAMSAT® time management in the exam:
Understand the concept of GAMSAT® timing
Do some partial and some FULL practice exams
Eat and consume your caffeine strategically on exam day
Stick to your GAMSAT® time management plan on exam day
Finally, I have one last tip for you. It’s easy to get so focused on GAMSAT® exam timing that you miss some other pitfalls that you should have seen coming from a mile away. It’s important to familiarise yourself with the common pitfalls in the GAMSAT® exam so you can avoid them—learn more about that by reading our next blog article, Common Pitfalls That Students Make in the GAMSAT!