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GAMSAT where to start studying

GAMSAT Exam Study: Where to Start?

by , 21 December, 2024
Read 788 times

So you’ve decided to sit the GAMSAT®! You know you have to study; you’ve read about all the areas you should cover before the exam – but where do you start? How do you actually sit down and begin to study for the GAMSAT exam?
I don’t know about you, but the most difficult part of any study regime for me is just beginning, breaking down that initial hurdle and actually getting down to study. On top of that, with the GAMSAT® exam specifically, there's so much to cover, from humanities to biology, chemistry, and physics - where do you even start?

It turns out the secret isn’t rushing into things, but setting yourself up well beforehand. In that vein, I thought I'd share some of the strategies that really help when trying to figure out where to start your GAMSAT preparation.


GAMSAT Tips #1 – Know what you’re in for

So if you’re reading this and thinking, ‘Study? GAMSAT®? Strategies?’ you may not know too much about what the GAMSAT® involves. While that’s okay for now, if you’re planning on sitting the GAMSAT®, you ought to feel prepared on exam day, and I’d recommend you educate yourself a bit about the test itself. The best place to start on that front is the ACER information booklet, which is especially useful for finding out the key dates, what to bring on the day, and general GAMSAT® FAQs.
GradReady GAMSAT Online Courses
There’s also a really good guide here on GradReady that gives an overview of the GAMSAT content, test-day structure and timing, etc. It also outlines the skills that the GAMSAT® is actually looking for, which is essential to knowing what and how to study (before you start!). Make sure to familiarise yourself with all three sections of the GAMSAT® exam as well as the set of skills that each section tries to assess. Be sure to pay attention to how much reading time you get and how much time you should spend per question. It might also be a good idea to familiarise yourself with how GAMSAT result is calculated.
So now that you’re a GAMSAT® expert, it’s time to start thinking about your plan of action.


GAMSAT Tips #2 – Have a long-term plan

Before starting any kind of preparation, it’s important to have an outline of the content you need to cover and the timeframe in which you expect to complete it. Having a GAMSAT study plan laid out is the best way to know where to start, as well as being a way to avoid becoming overwhelmed by the prospect of GAMSAT® study.
If you have a plan of what needs to be covered, and you lay out a time of when you will cover it, with your highest priorities first, beginning will be an easy thing to do.
However, in saying that, there are a few more things that I like to do before starting a big assignment or study schedule, to make sure I don’t freak out or burn out too quickly.


GAMSAT Tips #3 – Make a study zone

I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but I’m going to say it again because it really helps create a good start to any study regime: you need to have a specific place to study that is free of distractions and suited to your liking! Whether you work better in busy libraries, a quiet dark bedroom or a sun-filled spacious study, it’s important to organise and establish yourself there before getting started. Ensure your study space meets your personal needs.
This way, when you finally work up the courage to hit the books, you’ll be setting yourself up for success. Be sure to read our article on GAMSAT Stress Management Strategies as well for useful tips to keep you going.


GAMSAT Tips #4 – Wondering where to start? Start with something achievable!

GAMSAT Where to StartSpeaking of setting yourself up for success, in my opinion, the worst thing you can do when beginning study for any exam is beginning with something you find really difficult. In saying this, I don’t mean leave all the hard stuff to the end. Instead, when you sit down for the first time, and perhaps even for the first time every study day thereafter, start at least the first half hour with something you’re good at.
This is a great way to boost your enthusiasm and confidence in studying, and avoid those terrible thoughts of ‘wow I really can’t do this’ (which for me always leads to further procrastination). Some people find GAMSAT Section 1 more difficult, whereas others struggle with GAMSAT Section 3. Try to balance your studies in a way that keeps your motivation levels high.
At the same time, it’s really important to identify your areas of weakness and allocate time to addressing them.

If you come from a non-science background, you might find the GAMSAT® really intimidating. Be sure to read our guide to GAMSAT preparation from a non-science background to start your preparation off on the right foot.


Take-home messages

So if you’ve read all of this and still feel like you’re not ready to start the journey of studying for the GAMSAT®, just remember that you’ll be well-equipped if you have:
  1. A good understanding of what the GAMSAT® involves
  2. A structured, individualised long-term study plan
  3. An established place to study that suits your learning style
  4. A few achievable tasks to start with that will get you on a roll
  5. Identified your areas of weakness on which to focus your study
And remember, you only have to start your study for the next GAMSAT® once. Then you’ll be one task closer to reaching your study goal and feeling prepared for exam day!
We hope we helped answer your question regarding GAMSAT® where to start. Now that you’ve taken the first step, next you need to get an estimate of how many steps it would take to reach your goal.
If you're wondering how long it takes to prepare for the GAMSAT exam, click on the link to check out our next blog article!