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MMI medical school interview preparation tips

MMI Interviews: How Can I Start Preparing?

by , 23 August, 2023
Read 3273 times

So, you're on the brink of a pivotal journey in your medical career—navigating the world of MMI interviews. It is imperative you take your preparation for the MMI as seriously as you take studying for the GAMSAT. These interviews are the gateway to many GEMSAS medical schools.
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You might be scratching your head at yet another acronym, but don't worry, I've got your back. MMI stands for Multiple Mini Interview. The MMI format was created to address a pressing concern in medical admissions. Traditional interviews often fell short in predicting academic success. Hospitals noticed a gap in qualities like interpersonal skills, moral judgment, and professionalism—qualities not easily assessed in standard panel interviews. As MMI adoption grew internationally, something remarkable emerged. This interview format proved to be an exceptional predictor of the very qualities it aimed to evaluate. And guess what, mastering these qualities is the key to acing your MMI interview.


MMI Interview Details

Now, let's dive into the details. Different from the traditional setup, each MMI question is tackled in a separate room by a distinct examiner. The MMI is a very challenging process, and is like a strange form of speed dating, and the MMI differs between Australian medical schools, so it's important to research the school where you'll be interviewing.

For most GEMSAS med schools using the MMI format, you'll walk this corridor, joining other hopefuls in an interview session. Picture this: if there are eight MMI stations, eight candidates participate in one session, rotating through various question stations. To accommodate larger groups, there's sometimes a 'rest' station thrown in. Rest stations are breaks where you stay in the corridor while others get interviewed. Inside each interview room, it's you and a single interviewer. Each MMI station revolves around a specific theme or question. The stations might vary depending on the medical school. You might find a prompt on the door or walk in blind and get questioned right away. Because there is a bit of randomisation and uncertainty, it is vitally important that you adequately prepare for the MMI, with as much ferocity and rigour as you did when preparing your GAMSAT study plan. But either way, the MMI structure remains consistent—main prompts followed by related questions that demand in-depth answers.
But how long are these MMI interviews? That depends on the school and station time allocations. Here's a golden rule for MMI prep: timing is everything. Stations run on a tight schedule, managed by a central invigilator. Once the bell rings, no extra marks are awarded. Individual stations last around 5 to 12 minutes. You have roughly 1 to 2 minutes per prompt/question. In other words, precision matters—no room for fluff. Expect between 5 and 12 stations in a medical MMI, with more stations meaning shorter durations.
Now, the big question: Are MMI interviews hard? In some ways, MMI stations are similar to the GAMSAT® in the sense that both assess problem-solving and logical thinking. However, there is an additional layer of complexity with the MMI as they also test your 'art' of medicine—how you engage with fellow staffs, patients, and tackle ethical puzzles. It's beyond reciting facts; it's about showing personality and clear communication. This is why students with leadership, public speaking, or theatre backgrounds often shine in MMIs. Different medical schools vary in the station types that they use. However, some of the more common station themes include:
  • Standard question/answer stations, where the interviewer asks you questions, and you answer them.
  • Stimulus stations, where you are given a stimulus (e.g., a short video or photo) and you have to discuss your thoughts with the examiner.
  • Teamwork stations, where you have to work with a partner to solve a problem (e.g., instructing a team of actors how to arrange a puzzle)
  • Acting stations, where you have to role play a given scenario (e.g., dealing with an actor pretending to be a patient who is angry that the waiting time was so long)

MMI Interview Preparation Strategies

Now, let's talk prep strategies. MMI interviews, like the GAMSAT preparation, is something that you can practice and prepare for, and you need to tell yourself that it is just as vital to prepare for this step of the application process as it is for the GAMSAT®. The following are my five best tips for MMI preparation:
  1. Plan Your Prep Time: Consider your schedule and commit to prep time. It depends on how comfortable you are with public speaking and answering different questions. Think about your current commitments, and where you can fit in preparation time. On the weekends? After work?
  2. Handle Nerves: Anticipate challenges, practice relaxation techniques, and rehearse with friends. It's all about thinking on your feet and speaking coherently. Make sure to anticipate any other logistical challenges on the day, and you may also benefit from relaxation techniques that need to be learnt beforehand. It may also help to sit down with a friend or family member and have them ask you questions. You can also join GradReady’s Mock MMI to practice and learn from medical school students.
  3. Know the School: Tailor your performance to the school you are interviewing with. Know their focus and align your values with theirs.
  4. Scout the Venue: If the format is face-to-face, it is important to be familiar with the MMI location, do a dry run, and factor in traffic, especially in the morning.
  5. Don't Script, Reflect: Don't memorize scripts or give generic responses. Reflect on your opinions, ethics, biases, and views on community issues. Use this information to frame individualised response to the commonly asked questions.
Hopefully, by now you're more comfortable with the MMI process. Your journey is exciting, and with the right prep, you'll ace those interviews. Get ready to embrace the art and science of medicine—the world needs more compassionate and skilled healers like you!

Best of luck with your MMI preparations! And if you need more expert help to ace the MMI Interviews, GradReady's InterviewReady Courses should be taken into consideration.