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What to do after GAMSAT

What to Do After the GAMSAT

by , 24 March, 2023
Read 3478 times

I think everyone who has experienced the doom and gloom of the GAMSAT® remembers the moment in time as the GAMSAT® Exam comes to completion. You leave the hall with a sense of disorientation, and even when surrounded by your friends, it is a moment of solitude. You ask yourself, “What to do after the GAMSAT?” Maybe this is just the circles I keep with, but I don’t think anyone leaves the GAMSAT® Exam with a sense of success or joy. This is not the nature of the GAMSAT® Exam, and lesson one of sitting the GAMSAT Exam is acknowledging this.

What to Do After the GAMSAT Tip #1: Give Yourself a Pat on the Back

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This may come in various forms – maybe it’ll be a big night on the town, or working out, or (as in my case) a five-hour nap immediately following. Regardless, recognise the gravity what you have undertaken and take comfort that the agony of study and the guilt of not studying is now over. An important note for preparing the GAMSAT Exam: think forward to this moment and give yourself the gift of knowing that you put everything in before the big day. Your post GAMSAT® Exam-self will thank you immensely.

It may also be helpful to debrief with someone you trust. You just underwent a big mental battle of attrition and are probably experiencing a lot of different emotions. Find a friend who just took the GAMSAT® with you or a friend or family member that you can confide in and talk about how you are feeling. You don’t need to dwell on the topic but talking about it can help put you at ease and potentially quell any negative emotions that could fester if left to their own devices. Focus on the positives and avoid catastrophising!

What to Do After the GAMSAT Tip #2: Direct Your Attention Somewhere Else

Let’s look a little broader now. How do you fill those agonising months, the months spent consistently checking the GAMSAT® Exam website and willing them to provide something more tangible than “GAMSAT results released late May”. This will most likely sound like redundant advice but as much as you can, forget about the GAMSAT® Exam. Instead, think like the proactive med student you will eventually be and direct your energy to something else. What is your CV missing? What life experiences could you add to your list? Think of the hours spent studying for the GAMSAT® Exam, or, think about the hours spent thinking about studying for the GAMSAT® Exam. How can you use these hours now?


What to Do After the GAMSAT Tip #3: Volunteer

Again, this may seem like the obvious choice. However, volunteering is one of the most valuable items a prospective med student can bring to an interview. “Why do I want to study medicine?” “Because when I have worked in a role as close to being a doctor as I can currently, I loved it”.

The reasons we love it will vary among us but what is more perceptible? More importantly, it’ll provide you with the opportunity to decide if you DO love it. The pathway to becoming a doctor is a massive commitment, and if you can zero in on the reasons why you want to be a doctor before you begin studying, you will be doing yourself a massive favour.

Medicine is confused by what is portrayed in the media, and the interviewers know this. Show them that you have reached at least a little closer to what reality as a doctor is like and show them you are willing to go the extra mile. Practical examples are key to success in interviews. Check out our other blog article to learn more about Pre-Med Volunteering.

Of course, you don’t have to volunteer or do anything medicine related after the GAMSAT®. Although it would be helpful to have that experience under your belt, you can also just take the coming months in a more relaxed direction. A large majority of your life will be dedicated to medicine when you get in, so why rush. Look after yourself! Put some more time into your hobbies or pick up new ones! Spend more time with friends and family. Plan a trip to another state or country! Have some fun, you deserve it!



Sitting the GAMSAT® Exam is an achievement. Be proud that you have committed this far to the process because the fear of failure scares a lot of people off. Let yourself feel the relief, and after a very much needed debrief with your loved ones, stash the anxiety away until that special day in late May comes. Regardless of what the outcome is, you will learn from the process, and it will bring you a step closer to your Australian medical school dream.

Finally, when the results arrive, make sure to check out our Definitive Guide to GAMSAT Results to learn more about what your GAMSAT® score means and where you stand. It’s important that you stay proud of your accomplishments regardless of the results and use this experience to improve on yourself.

Remember: Your performance on the GAMSAT® does not define you as a person and it does not define your capabilities as a doctor. As with many things in your life, this will pass. Whether or not your happy with your result, remember to keep going! Tell yourself that you CAN do this! You CAN become a doctor! Keep your chin up and push yourself towards that goal because as much as intelligence is important for becoming a doctor, motivation and determination are just as, if not more, important.

If you’d like to hear from current medical students about what their life is like at medical school, check out our GAMSAT to Med School Podcast. It covers various topics including our tutors’ personal medical school journey and the challenges they faced. It’s the perfect distraction from post-GAMSAT® exam blues!