GAMSAT ®InterviewReady
Important Dates
GAMSAT ®Resources
by Dan W, 24 April, 2017
It’s a balancing act. It’s all one huge balancing act uncontrollably spinning, whirring and spiralling to my own demise.
Whilst studying for the GAMSAT® Exam might se...
by Humaira S, 18 April, 2017
Just as in university assignments, there is always room for improvement in most GAMSAT Section 2 essays...
by Tom E, 27 March, 2017
We all know what it’s like. We start back at uni and we think to ourselves “This year, this year will the year I’m effective. The year I don’t procrastinate and idle away my time.” But&...
by Humaira S, 17 March, 2017
Expecting future medical students to also be wordsmiths can be a big ask. However, GAMSAT Section 2 exp...
by Christine B, 18 February, 2017
As the GAMSAT® Exam draws nearer and you meet others who want to get into medicine, chances are you’ll either consider starting, or joining, a study group. For some, study groups are the norm, whereas for ot...
by Bibiana H, 06 February, 2017
As the GAMSAT® Exam draws closer, you are probably starting to get really stressed wondering how you are going to be able to remember everything AND get your ...