
Final Week to Register for Free GAMSAT® Biological & Physical Sciences Online Workshop! | Thurs 1st Aug at 7pm Melb Time

GAMSAT Prep & Medicine Blogs

Boosting Your GPA for Medical School Applications

Boosting your GPA for Medical School Applications

We can spend a lot of time thinking about the importance of the GAMSAT® Exam. Yet as outlined in the blog post about entry requirements to ...

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How does GEMSAS interpret your GPA

How Does GEMSAS Interpret Your GPA?

As you are likely aware, your GPA is an important component of your Australian graduate medical school appl...

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The importance of teamwork in building a medical portfolio,

There's no I in team: Tips for portfolio schools

Teamwork is a vital skill to not only discuss in the portfolio-based application processes, but also in medical practice. Often you will be working in healthcare teams as a medical doctor, and all decision making will be...

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GAMSAT and GEMSAS Timeline

GAMSAT Timeline: All You Need to Know

The admissions process for graduate medicine in Australia is an arduous and sometimes confusing journey. There are a number of GAMSAT® timeline deadlines imposed by ACER for the...

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GAMSAT® and Medical School Costs

GAMSAT and Medical School Costs

Embarking on the journey towards medical school can be very daunting. Not only do you have to ...

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GAMSAT Exam Update

GAMSAT® Exam 2024 - The Exam Shuffle: A Tale of Time, Tests, and Tantalizing Tweaks

Ah, the GAMSAT®. That marathon of mental gymnastics, the triathlon of test-taking. Just when you thought you had the rhythm down, the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) throws in a little t...

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