GAMSAT ®InterviewReady
Important Dates
GAMSAT ®Resources
by Isabelle Townend, 05 February, 2024
Embarking on the journey towards medical school can be very daunting. Not only do you have to ...
by Lawrence Summers, 07 December, 2023
Ah, the GAMSAT®. That marathon of mental gymnastics, the triathlon of test-taking. Just when you thought you had the rhythm down, the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) throws in a little t...
by Liam R., 05 October, 2023
Firstly, if you are contemplating this question, it probably means that you’ve successfully completed the GAMSAT®. Congratulate yourself on this! Surviving the torturous r...
by Elliot Dolan-Evans, 25 September, 2023
I’ve just sat the GAMSAT®, now what? I remember well the announcement that the GAMSAT® exam time had elapsed. It was like a wave of relief hit me but I was also accompanied by a huge f...
by Elliot Dolan-Evans, 23 August, 2023
So, you're on the brink of a pivotal journey in your medical career—navigating the world of MMI interviews. It is imperative you take your preparation for the MMI as seriously as you take ...
by Kayley Crebbin, 17 August, 2023
Many of us, myself included, have a habit of turning to social media during our downtime, or when we fall into the temptation of procrastination. The good news is that going on social media is not a complete time waster,...