GAMSAT ®InterviewReady
Important Dates
GAMSAT ®Resources
by Kayley Crebbin, 04 August, 2023
We only have 24 hours in each day, which are easily filled by eating, sleeping, attending uni, attending work, and the myriad of other activities that we have throughout our day. Our study time is therefore limited, so i...
by Hannah L, 15 June, 2023
After an agonising wait, your GAMSAT® score is finally here. With a pounding heart and trembling fingers, you open your email and log in to the ACER website to receive your results. You hold your breath as...
by Kayley Crebbin, 09 June, 2023
Many prospective medical students volunteer in the medical field to gain exposure to medical settings and to give back to their communities. Furthermore, volunteering is a great way to gain experiences that you can write...
by Kayley Crebbin, 26 May, 2023
Everyone knows that medicine is one of the most competitive university degrees to get into, but not everyone knows the pathway—or rather, pathways—for ...
by Alisha Tang, 27 April, 2023
Medical school entry requirements can be extremely complicated and difficult to navigat...
by Angelo Villanueva, 24 March, 2023
I think everyone who has experienced the doom and gloom of the GAMSAT® remembers the moment in time as the GAMSAT® Exam comes to completion. You leave the hall with a sense of disorientation, and even when surrou...