
Final Week to Register for Free GAMSAT® Biological & Physical Sciences Online Workshop! | Thurs 1st Aug at 7pm Melb Time

GAMSAT Prep & Medicine Blogs

GAMSAT® and Medical School Costs

GAMSAT and Medical School Costs

Embarking on the journey towards medical school can be very daunting. Not only do you have to ...

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Preparing for the GAMSAT® with a Non Science Background
GAMSAT® Exam Tactics

Preparing for the GAMSAT with a Non-Science Background

Not having studied the natural sciences in high school or university is not an insurmountable barrier to getting a good ...

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GAMSAT® Humanities Essay Tips
GAMSAT® Exam Tactics

What to Read for the Humanities Section of the GAMSAT

With the GAMSAT exam fast approaching, it is crucial that students are focusing their efforts on the ri...

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How Hard is the GAMSAT® Exam
GAMSAT® Exam Tactics

How Hard is the GAMSAT Exam?

Applying for medical school is no doubt an arduous journey, and for most people, the greatest hurdle along the way is the dreaded GAMSAT® exam. How hard is the GAMSAT® exam exactly? It’s important to have a...

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GAMSAT Exam Update

GAMSAT® Exam 2024 - The Exam Shuffle: A Tale of Time, Tests, and Tantalizing Tweaks

Ah, the GAMSAT®. That marathon of mental gymnastics, the triathlon of test-taking. Just when you thought you had the rhythm down, the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) throws in a little t...

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What Does the GAMSAT Test?
GAMSAT® Exam Tactics

What Does the GAMSAT Test?

Embarking upon your journey into post-grad medicine can at first seem overwhelming, with the pathways to medical s...

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