
Final Week to Register for Free GAMSAT® Biological & Physical Sciences Online Workshop! | Thurs 1st Aug at 7pm Melb Time

GAMSAT Prep & Medicine Blogs

MMI medical school interview preparation tips

MMI Interviews: How Can I Start Preparing?

So, you're on the brink of a pivotal journey in your medical career—navigating the world of MMI interviews. It is imperative you take your preparation for the MMI as seriously as you take ...

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GAMSAT® Exam Tactics

GAMSAT Reddit - How to Use Reddit for GAMSAT Preparation

Many of us, myself included, have a habit of turning to social media during our downtime, or when we fall into the temptation of procrastination. The good news is that going on social media is not a complete time waster,...

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GAMSAT study techniques
GAMSAT® Exam Tactics

Active Vs Passive Learning: Maximising Your Study Time

We only have 24 hours in each day, which are easily filled by eating, sleeping, attending uni, attending work, and the myriad of other activities that we have throughout our day. Our study time is therefore limited, so i...

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Mature age medical students

Medicine for Mature Age Students

Historically, entrance to medical school in Australia has been dominated by young school-leavers, ...

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GAMSAT where to start studying
GAMSAT® Exam Tactics

GAMSAT Exam Study: Where to Start?

So you’ve decided to sit the GAMSAT®! You know you have to study; you’ve read about all the areas you should cover before the exam – but where do you start? How do you actually ...

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GAMSAT Exam Overview
GAMSAT® Exam Tactics

GAMSAT Exam Overview

The GAMSAT Exam, also known as the Graduate Medical School Admissions Test, serves as a crucial assessment too...

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