
Final Week to Register for Free GAMSAT® Biological & Physical Sciences Online Workshop! | Thurs 1st Aug at 7pm Melb Time

GAMSAT Prep & Medicine Blogs

Australian medical organisations

AMSA, AMA, MSC…. What does it all mean?

As you navigate the complicated medical school admissions process and enter medical scho...

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A man sitting in an interview to become a medical professional

Yet another agonising wait… The interview debrief

For many of you, this year couldn’t be any longer, drawn out, or anxiety-provoking. We’ve gone through the months upon months of study and preparation prior to the ...

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GAMSAT Preparation Course GradReady
GAMSAT® Exam Tactics

The benefits of doing a GAMSAT preparation course

If our previous article about when to start preparing has jolted you into action, and you’re thinking about whether the ...

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Medical students studying to enter the professional world

The Curtin Medical School Debate

It’s not a secret that Australia is in an on-going ‘doctor shortage’, where many areas of our widespread country have a severe lack of doctors servicing the needs of local communities. One of the fie...

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Practicing for GAMSAT
GAMSAT® Exam Tactics

Evidence based practise

No that’s not a typo in the title of this article, that’s my delightfully subtle pun on the topic of this article.  If you don’t get it read this: ...

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Student happily starting medical school

Medical school offers! The calm before the storm

Offers are out!  A huge congratulations to those who received graduate medicine offers and commiserations to those who missed out. We're very excited to hear from those of our students that were successful, s...

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